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Leeds Landlords and Second Homeowners Will Probably Save Money from the Proposed New Capital Gains Tax changes

Many Leeds Landlords have been alarmed at the prospect of Capital Gains Tax rising to as high as 45%, from its current maximum of 28%. In this article, I look at the proposed changes and show that for some – they could in fact save money. If you know a Leeds landlord – please show them this article


The 2020 Review of the Leeds Property Market

In this week’s article on the Leeds property market, I review what has happened to Leeds house prices and what is likely to happen in 2021. If you are a Leeds homeowner or landlord, you need to read this


As Leeds First-time Buyers are Being Locked Out of the Leeds Property Market – Rents Have Risen by 3.7%

With the banks reducing the number of low deposit mortgages since Covid-19 hit in the Spring, this has meant that the number of Leeds first-time buyers has been decreasing quickly, obligingly many of those would-be Leeds buyers wanting to make the first step onto the Leeds property ladder choose to stay in the Leeds rental sector. What does all this mean for those first-time buyers together with the impact on Leeds landlords and homeowners.


Each Leeds landlord could be hit by a £31,673 bill

With the second lockdown starting on the 5thNovember 2020, does this mean Leeds landlords can wave goodbye to their Leeds buy-to-let investment and see it go up in smoke on the bonfire of buy-to-let dreams, like a Guy Fawkes puppet?


Leeds House Prices 2021 - What will happen to the value of your Leeds home next year?

What will a no deal Brexit on the horizon, the end of the stamp duty holiday in March, mortgage payment holidays coming to an end, unemployment set to rise after furlough and ongoing on/off coronavirus restrictions do to the Leeds property market and the value of your Leeds home?


Leeds Homebuyers Have Saved £2,307,130 Thanks to the Stamp Duty Holiday – Yet Many Could Miss Out

Leeds homebuyers and Leeds landlords purchasing residential property have saved £2,307,130 since the Chancellor reduced Stamp Duty on 8th July 2020, yet many more Leeds homebuyers could miss out.


Leeds’ ‘Generation Rent’ to Become ‘Generation Buy’?

Boris Johnson has attracted both praise and horror in equal measure with a new plan for 95% mortgages to help beleaguered first time buyers to get on the property ladder, but would that expose UK taxpayers to too much risk? In this article I discuss the implications of what that would mean both nationally and locally in Leeds.


Leeds 2nd & 3rd Time Buyers Finding it Tougher (and Slower) to Move up the Leeds Property Ladder

This week's article on the Leeds property market considers the plight of Leeds' 2nd & 3rd time buyers. Post lockdown, the need for Leeds' families who want bigger homes has meant Leeds homebuyers now must pay considerably more to trade up to that larger home, yet they are also finding it tougher & slower to move up the Leeds property ladder. Anyone buying or selling a property in Leeds at the moment, should read this article to find out how they don’t lose out.


Why Are Some Banks Reining In Over-Enthusiastic Leeds Homebuyers and Buy to Let Investors?

The Leeds property market is an enigma and chock-full of contradictions.


A Student’s Guide to a Property Inspection

Anyone renting a property will have to go through the standard property inspections, which are typically carried out every 6-12 months. This is just to give the landlord or letting agent the opportunity to check the state of the property and how it’s being lived in/treated. An inspection is generally nothing to worry about, but we have put together a guide to ensure you’re prepared for your first student property inspection.


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